ICCHP Summer University
The idea behind
The Summer University on Maths, Science and Statistics for the Visually Impaired takes place once a year, each time at a different place in Europe. The aim behind is to improve the access to maths, science and statistics. At time same time information is given on how persons with severe visual impairment or blindness can gain access to scientific or technical knowledge. The summer university offers the possibility to get information on the latest technical developments in the field of assistive technologies. Apart from that, it is a platform to foster research as well as the exchange of new teaching techniques.
Link to homepage: https://www.icchp.org/
Past summer universities:
2018 Linz, A
2016 Linz, A
2014 Paris, F
2013 Bad Herrenalb, D
2012 Linz, A
2011 Telc, Czech Republic
2010 Vienna, Austria
Coordinator for Germany
Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT)
Study Centre for the Visually Impaired (SZS)
Engesserstraße 4,
76131 Karlsruhe, Germany
Tel: +49 721 608-42760
Fax: +49 721 608-42020
E-Mail: info∂szs.kit.edu