Library – Collection and Borrowing
The ACCESS@KIT owns a small reference library with books, media and journals focussing on accessibility and visual impairment. The complete collection can be looked up via the online catalogue of the KIT library.
The KIT library purchases some books also in digital form. They are listed as e-books.
Blind and parially sighted KIT students have exclusive access to additional learning material on a protected platform which is supported by ACCESS@KIT.
SehKOn (online catalogue suitable for blind and partially sighted persons)
Sehkon is a catalogue listing media which have been processed for blind and partially sighted persons. The SZS cooperates with SehKOn and forwards information on completed transfer projects. The books listed in SehKOn can be ordered via the respective institution by providing a disabled person’s pass.
Contact persons
Gerhard Althaus, Birgit Köhler-Kilian
Universitätsbibliothek Dortmund
Phone: +49 (0)231/755-4006 or +49 (0)231/755-4052
E-Mail: sfbs ∂does-not-exist.ub tu-dortmund de
Medibus (Mediengemeinschaft für blinde und sehbehinderte Menschen e.V.)
Medibus is an association of the ‘Arbeitsgemeinsschaft der Blindenhörbuchbüchereien e.V.’ (registered association of audiobook libraries for visually impaired persons), the ‚Arbeitsgemeinschaft der Blindenschriftdruckereien und -bibliotheken e.V.’ (registered association of embossed printing companies and libraries) and the ‚Mediengemeinschaft für Blinde und Sehbehinderte e.V.’ (registered media association for blind and parially sighted persons). Producers and libraries that produce resp. lend media suitable for persons with visual impairment as well as regional self-help associations in the German-speaking regions. All members are non-profit or work in the educational sector.
Medibus granted the ‘Braille certificate’ to the ACCESS@KIT in March 2007. It entitles ACCESS@KIT to gain access to published materials and to provide them to blind persons and patrially sighted for free or at a price that does not exceed the manufacturing cost.