Orientation event for prospective students who are blind or visually impaired
We are offering a virtual orientation event for students in grades 10 to 13 and for prospective students from German-speaking countries. The aim of this event is to address all subject areas of a course of study under the special conditions of visual impairment / blindness.
Among others, orientation and mobility trainers, the representative for students with disabilities and chronic diseases, lawyers, experts of the Studierendenwerk, staff members of different KIT institutions, and KIT students with visual impairment from higher semesters will give inputs on the different topics.
All topics and contents of the event from 7 - 8 November 2024: preliminary program
Our motivation for the realization of a supra-regional orientation event: prospective students with visual impairment should be able to decide independently which things need to be done in time before the start of their studies and whether they feel up to a course of studies with its special requirements. At the same time, they can build networks with other prospective and existing students.
By the way: The event also appeals to students who are unlikely to choose Karlsruhe as a place to study.
The event is free of charge.
Registration until november 30 at: info ∂does-not-exist.access kit edu