ATMAPS - Specification of symbols used on audio-tactile maps for individuals with blindness

The ATMAPS-Project (Specification of symbols used on audio-tactile maps for individuals with blindness) is co-financed by the EU Lifelong Learning Programme. The aim is to develop standards for audio-tactile symbols used in Orientation and Mobility maps for persons with visually impairment.

During the project, studies will be conducted for standardization of audio-tactile symbols in order to develop audio-tactile maps. The results such as audio-tactile symbols and tactile maps will be freely available on the project homepage There will also offered trainings to design new audio-tactile maps.

Cooperating partners are University of Macedonia (UOM), the lead partner, the GeoImaging Ltd, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens (UoA), Mustafa Kemal University, Panhellenic Association of the Blind and the Association of Barrier Free Access (ABFA).

Project duration

01.01.2014 - 31.12.2016
Prolongation till 30.06.2018

Financial support

EU Lifelong Learning Programme 543316-LLP-1-2013-1-GR-KA3-KA3MP
